2024 Measure D Resurfacing Project

Construction Schedule:

Paving Schedule (WORK COMPLETED)

Work includes digouts (asphalt patches), conform grinding, and overlay work. Note, final overlay work will occur after chipseal has been placed. Expect up to delays on affected roads and at driveways marked for conform grinding or digouts. 

Sealing Schedule (WORK COMPLETED

Work includes Type III Microsurfacing, Asphalt Rubberized Chipseal, and Type II Slurry Seal. Lanes will be closed and driveway access will be blocked during Type III Microsurfacing and Type II Slurry Seal operations. The Contractor will post doorknob hangers a few days prior to this work. 

CLICK HERE FOR PROJECT ROAD LIST  (including treatments and limits) 

Live Oak


Portions of Portola Dr, 13th Ave, and Corcoran Ave.

Rio Del Mar (Aptos)

Elva Dr, Townsend Dr, Kingsbury Dr, Appleton Dr, Farley Dr, Kenneth Dr, Baldwin Dr, Lamanda Dr, Mirada Dr, Granada Dr, Toledo Dr

Scotts  Valley

Elena Dr, Canepa Dr, Miraflores Dr, and portions of La Cuesta Dr, El Sereno Dr, and Altenitas Rd. 


El Solyo Heights Dr, Hacienda Wy, Hillview Dr, and Capelli Dr